
Loisirs Sportifs CDN-NDG provides residents with clean and friendly aquatic and sports facilities.

Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Sports Center

The Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Sports Center offers over 100 different sports and aquatic activities for children, teens, adults and seniors.

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Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Pool (Decarie)

To relax or train, the Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Community Pool offers open swims, classes and aquatic activities.

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centre hors campus LSCDNDG

Westhill Sports Center

Equipped with a double gymnasium, several partner groups use the Westhill Sports Center including NDG Hockey, PBAM Basketball and NDG Ringette.


Jean-de-Brébeuf College

Jean-de-Brébeuf College is a sports facility that meets international standards for basketball, badminton and volleyball.


Confederation Sports Center

Equipped with two simple gymnasiums and a small multi-purpose room, the Confederation Sports Center meets an essential need of several sports groups.


Trenholme Sports Center

Equipped with a small, simple gymnasium, the Trenholme Sports Center is used by many sports groups including NDG Soccer and PBAM (Basketball).


Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Pavilion

The NDG Pavilion, with a large room on the first floor and a room in the basement, will accommodate a variety of activities.

© Loisirs Sportifs CDN-NDG | An active and healthy community since November 21, 1996!